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memorial day 〔美國〕= Decoration Day (美國)陣亡將...


The u . s . consulate general located at 26 garden road , hong kong , will be closed on monday , may 28 , in observance of memorial day 本月二十八日(星期一)為美國國殤日,美國駐港總領事館將會放假一天。

The u . s . consulate general located at 26 garden road , hong kong , will be closed on monday , may 26 , in observance of memorial day 本月二十六日(星期一)為美國國殤日,美國駐港總領事館將會放假一天。

The u . s . consulate general located at 26 garden road , hong kong , will be closed on monday , may 27 , in observance of memorial day 本月二十七日(星期一)為美國國殤日,美國駐港總領事館將會放假一天。

The u . s . consulate general located at 26 garden road , hong kong , will be closed on monday , may 30 , in observance of memorial day 本月三十日(星期一)為美國國殤日,美國駐港總領事館將會放假一天。

President bush opened the memorial day weekend with a call for americans to rededicate themselves to the war on terror 在周末陣亡將士紀念日上,布什總統用呼吁美國人們致力于反恐戰爭作為開場白。

The spirit of vincennes rendezvous is a revolutionary war battle re - enactment held annually on memorial day weekend 溫森斯會合紀念日會于每年國殤日那個周末舉辦,它會重新上演獨立戰爭此一戲碼。

A union general , john murray liked the idea and helped establish a committee , and hence the birth of memorial day 聯軍將軍約翰莫雷看好這個觀點并協助組織了委員會,于是陣亡將士紀念日誕生了。

Union general , john murray liked the idea and helped establish a committee , and hence the birth of memorial day 聯軍將軍約翰莫雷看好這個觀點并協助組織了委員會,于是陣亡將士紀念日誕生了。

The last monday in may is a national holiday : memorial day honors those who died in military services 五月的最后一個星期一是國家法定假日:陣亡戰士紀念日,是為了悼念那些陣亡的戰士。

There will be no classes over the long memorial day weekend next week , may 27 . we hope you have a pleasant holiday 下星期六適逢國殤日長周末,本校循例放假一天,祝大家有一個充實的假期

President bush opened the memorial day weekend with a call for americans to rededicate themselves to the war on terror 美國總統布什在將士陣亡紀念日上呼吁全民致力于反恐戰爭。

Since 1990 , some have made the annual concert a part of their memorial day weekend 至1990年以來,對一些民眾來說,歷年的音樂會成了周末陣亡將士紀念日的組成部分。

Eight out of 18 national holidays will become “ memorial days “ and will not except employees from work 18個國定假日中的8個將會變成?紀念日?而且將不會放假。

Since 1990 , some have made the annual concert a part of their memorial day weekend 1990年以來,很多人已經將一年一度的音樂會作為陣亡紀念日的悼念活動了。

Mantegna says the commemoration that year made clear for him the meaning of memorial day 蒙特尼說那年的紀念活動讓他明白了陣亡將士紀念日的意義所在。

Since 1990 , some have made the annual concert a part of their memorial day weekend 從1990年開始,一些家庭把組織周年音樂會當作他們的紀念日的一部分。

Mantegna says the commemoration that year made clear for him the meaning of memorial day 表示,那次的紀念活動讓他明白了陣亡將士紀念日的意義所在。

Mantegna says the commemoration that year made clear for him the meaning of memorial day 他表示,那次的紀念活動讓他明白了紀念日的意義所在

Mantegna says the commemoration that year made clear for him the meaning of memorial day 說當年的紀念會才讓他正真懂得了陣亡紀念日的意義。